
01656 669665


  • Town Rider

    The service is excellent and the drivers are always ready to help. The service means that many of us can get out of the house meet others and do some shopping. I’m looking forward to using the service even more often in the summer.

    Mrs C
  • Group transport Service 

    The service has provided a wonderful boost to the social life of many of our members, who would be housebound apart from assistance form relatives.. Some of them have mobility difficulties and find it very difficult to get up or down steps so the passenger lift on the back of the vehicles are a bonus. One of our clients is 101 and without the service would be housebound apart from family who help when they can. The drivers are always friendly, helpful and welcoming which make the experience even more enjoyable

    Mrs F
  • Community Car Scheme

    I am 90 years of age and up to last year I was driving my own car, and having to stop meant I had lost my independence. The car scheme has helped me regain some of my independence I am now able to go to my exercise classes at the recreation centre twice a week and hopefully I will be able to use the car scheme to attend medical appointments .....the drivers saying “the drivers are wonderful, charming and pleasant.

    Mrs P
  • Town Rider

    The service is excellent and very reliable. It has improved the life of so many people by enabling them to attend a weekly social function and get out of the house. The drivers are very helpful and courteous which makes the experience even more pleasant

    Mrs G
  • Community Car Scheme

    The Community Car Scheme has improved my life as I am able to access education and social functions, find it easier to attend medical appointments and shopping. I can’t fault the drivers they are very helpful.

    Miss J
  • Group transport Service 

    The service provides a much needed facility for our clients to get out and about and improves their independence. The drivers are always polite, helpful and accommodating.

    Mrs L

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